* Feedback IQ refers to the skill an individual/organization brings to the process of giving, receiving, and facilitating feedback with colleagues.
Organizations that prioritize honest, insightful feedback are learning organizations. They respond better to the changing demands of a complex, competitive ecosystem. Many leaders long for a “feedback culture” but fail to invest in feedback as a distinct skill set in their employees. The Feedback IQ Program offers a solution encompassing both group work and individual coaching.
What is the Feedback IQ program?
A hybrid of staff training and team building that will create lasting gains in employee engagement and satisfaction.
Assessment of your organization’s current culture of learning and communication.
Six individual coaching calls per client and three team culture-building sessions.
The Feedback IQ program focuses on three foundational skills that are pillars of a thriving feedback culture:
Receiving - Empathetic Listening
Giving - Compassionate Conveyance
Creating Space - Integrative Facilitation
Team members are able to practice solving problems, sharing leadership, and exchanging feedback during experiential group initiatives.
What are People saying about it?
“Our team started the process with excitement and hesitation. We never went a week without someone mentioning something they had learned or were working on. It began to create a unified vision for how we approach feedback and everyone realized it applied in so many areas of our day to day interactions. It was a great fit for our team and I recommend to anyone who is open to learning and growth. ”
Your Feedback Coaches
Brant Evans is a leadership coach who specializes in unconscious group dynamics. He holds a master's in organizational psychology from Columbia University.
Dan Miller is the Founder of Fifth Pillar Consulting and has been working passionately to create safe and transformative educational experiences for over 20 years.